
This extension provides a Sphinx directive for generating documentation for GraphQL schemas.

In order to use this extension, add autogqlschema to the extensions list in your file.

extensions = ["autogqlschema"]


.. autogqlschema:: name#

Generates API documentation for a GraphQL schema that’s declared in the given set of files.

The name argument is an arbitrary identifier given to the schema for use by Sphinx in cross-references and URLs to this schema. This can be useful for documenting multiple schemas in the same documentation, but isn’t necessary when documenting a single schema. Defaults to __gqlschema__.



When given, the generated API documentation will be written to a reStructuredText file in Sphinx’s output directory. The file will have the same name as the schema, with an .rst extension.


Default: The directory that contains Sphinx’s file.

Defines the location that the source-files are relative to. This can be an absolute or relative path. A relative path will be taken relative to the directory that contains Sphinx’s file.


This required option should contain a comma separated list of file names and/or glob patterns for the files that contain the GraphQL schema to be documented. Relative paths are taken relative to root-dir.

For example:

.. autogqlschema::
   :root-dir: ../src/mypackage/schema
   :source-files: *.graphql